Employee Survey Platform - Turn Feedback into Insights

functionHR Employee Survey Platform

Flexible and scalable

With the functionHR Survey Platform, you can smoothly collect feedback from all your employees – even from those who do not have their own e-mail address.

Not only can you create customized surveys, but also analyze the survey data in real time and communicate the findings to the right people in the company.

First class execution

From data collection to data integration and analytics – the functionHR Survey Platform is designed to streamline the entire process.

Smart questionnaires

We help you to choose the most appropriate survey and questionnaire design – with scientifically validated questionnaires from our experts.

Smooth user experience

Enable all your employees to participate in surveys – anytime, from any device. An engaging experience for everyone, thanks to the intuitive Survey Platform design.

Instant analytics

No more manual analyses. Survey results can be accessed via our intuitive dashboard, which is customizable for all user groups. Save time and benefit from automated reports in real time.


Topics of Employee Surveys
Questionnaire Design

Design your questionnaires flexibly

Best-practice catalogue of questions: Choose from scientifically validated questions on all important topics for employee surveys

Mix of question types: Combine closed and open-ended questions for a comprehensive data collection

Flexible customization: Integrate additional questions for specific departments/employee groups/locations

Individualization: Define the required survey languages and design the questionnaires in your corporate design

Collect feedback with different survey formats

standardbefragung Survey Platform

Regular Survey

Capture employee perceptions with employee surveys.

pulsefragung 1 Survey Platform

Pulse Survey

Collect agile feedback with short and regular pulse checks.

360 grad feedback 1 Survey Platform

360-Degree Feedback

Empower your managers with our innovative multirater approach.

continuous listening Survey Platform

Continuous Listening

Accompany your employees on their employee journey and generate deep insights.

Befragungen Ihrer Mitarbeitenden aus der Produktion

Sie möchten die Meinung Ihrer Blue Collars einholen, wissen aber nicht wie? functionHR hat die passende Softwarelösung für Mitarbeiterbefragungen. Wir sind auf die Anforderungen im produzierenden Gewerbe spezialisiert und wissen genau worauf es ankommt.

Ermöglichen Sie es Ihren Mitarbeiter:innen an Befragungen teilzunehmen und räumen Sie ihnen somit ein Mitspracherecht ein. In unserem kostenlosen Guide erfahren Sie alle Details, kompakt und übersichtlich.

grafik 2 Survey Platform
Digital Survey Environment

Ask all your employees

functionHR is 100% GDPR compliant and follows strict ethical principles. Participation is completely anonymous and compliant with data protection laws.

Automatischer Versand Survey Platform

Automatic distribution of invitations and reminder emails

Echtzeit Monitoring Survey Platform

Real-time monitoring of participation rate by organizational units

User Survey Platform

Excellent user experience to ensure high response rates

QR Codes Survey Platform

Provision of individual survey access with QR-Codes, e.g. for employees without their own e-mail address

Personalisierte Links Survey Platform

Personalized links (e.g. to avoid multiple participation) with pseudonymized hash codes without identification of respondents

Speichern und Wiederherstellen Survey Platform

Option to save and restore results for continuation at a later date (e.g. if the survey is interrupted)

Responsives Design Survey Platform

Branded and responsive survey design to optimize use on all common devices

Sk. IT Infrastruktur Survey Platform

Scalable IT infrastructure to handle different workloads

Papier und Stift Option Survey Platform

Paper & pen option for employees without their own device or option to participate digitally

Automatic distribution of invitations and reminder emails
Real-time monitoring of participation rate by organizational units
Excellent user experience to ensure high response rates
Provision of individual survey access with QR-Codes, e.g. for employees without their own e-mail address
Personalized links (e.g. to avoid multiple participation) with pseudonymized hash codes without identification of respondents
Option to save and restore results for continuation at a later date (e.g. if the survey is interrupted)
Branded and responsive survey design to optimize use on all common devices
Scalable IT infrastructure to handle different workloads
Paper & pen option for employees without their own device or option to participate digitally
Visualization of Results

Set up interactive dashboards for different user roles

Real-time monitoring: Keep track of survey participation and manage response rates

Access rights: Assign user-specific access rights and roles

Choice of visualizations: Define the visualization of the results yourself by choosing from a variety of chart types such as KPI tables, bar charts, heat maps, impact grids, topic clouds, etc.

Filtering capabilities: Filter your dashboard views as you wish, e.g. by department, location or area of responsibility


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Analytics Platform

Integrate and analyze survey data

After the survey is before the analysis: What happens now?

The Employee Survey Platform is fully integrated with the functionHR Analytics Platform. The survey data is automatically analyzed using advanced statistics and AI-supported methods. For even more accurate results, our intelligent software solution also integrates your business data. This allows you to demonstrate the relationship between employee behavior and business KPIs.

This combination of survey data with HR and business data makes the functionHR Platform truly unique.

50 – 300.000

Survey respondents per company


Countries with surveys conducted



100 %

Customer satisfaction

50 – 300.000

Survey respondents per company


Countries with surveys conducted



100 %

Customer satisfaction

Do you want take your employee surveys to the next level?
Get in touch with us!

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